Elizabeth Desanctis
  • Communication & Information Design / Information Design & Technology Accelerated BS/MS
  • Class of 2016
  • Utica, NY

Elizabeth DeSanctis Inducted into PTK International Honor Society

2012 Mar 8

Mohawk Valley Community College honored Elizabeth DeSanctis's high academic achievement this past fall with the induction to the Lambda Beta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, which was founded in 1960 when the College was known as the Mohawk Valley Technical Institute.

DeSanctis, a native of Utica, NY, was offered membership to Phi Theta Kappa for achieving a Grade Point Average of 3.5 or higher in the Media Marketing & Management degree program.

"Students are inducted into Phi Theta Kappa because of their academic success, but by becoming members, they also open the doors to their future success," said Stephen Frisbee, Director of Libraries at MVCC and advisor for Phi Theta Kappa. "In addition to academic excellence, Phi Theta Kappans take part in many community activities, as well as helping with various activities at MVCC. Those members who have chosen to participate in various events have enriched their lives and broadened their knowledge beyond the scope of their academics."

Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society which serves to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students while providing opportunities for individual growth and development through academic, leadership, and service programming. It is the largest honor society in American higher education, having been established in 1918 by two Missouri two-year college presidents.

According to the 1961 MVCC yearbook, "Phi Theta Kappa is a scholarly fellowship which embraces junior colleges not only of New York State but of the nation. The purpose of this non-secretive fraternity is to foster a spirit of devotion to study and to scholarly ideals among its members. The principles of Phi Theta Kappa are embodied in the Greek letters which stand for phronimon, thuermos, kathariotes (wisdom, aspiration, purity)."

On hand to honor these exceptional students were Randall VanWagoner, Ph.D., President of MVCC; and Vice-President of Student Affairs, Stephanie Reynolds; and Donald Willner, Dean of the Center for Mathematics, Physical Science, Engineering and Applied Technology. Mr. Willner was made an honorary member of Phi Theta Kappa for is many years of service as an advisor.
